Mayor’s Blog

Mayor’s Blog | June 12, 2020

Mayor Steve Martin
Mayor Steve Martin

It has become fashionable during the COVID-19 pandemic to say “we are all in this together.” Our Paso Robles Police force, along with multiple law enforcement and public safety agencies, made good on that claim in a very different way recently when they responded to the threat of a man with a gun and the apparent intent to commit multiple homicides. Before they finished his spree one community member would die and four law enforcement officers from two counties would be wounded, one seriously. Their willingness to run towards danger to preserve our safety dwarfs any sacrifices we have made to combat coronavirus. Their immediate, courageous and skilled response humbles us and makes us realize how fortunate we are to have such people willing to go “all in” to protect us.

In the days to come you will hear more about these heroes but, I don’t want to wait to send thanks and prayers on behalf of our entire community. To our Paso Robles Police officers, SLO Sheriff’s-Deputy Dreyfuss who received such a grievous wound, to the officers representing King’s County, Arroyo Grande and the California Highway Patrol who were also shot. To all who responded to the call from the city of Paso Robles. You responded in the middle of the night. You responded in the heat of the day. You put your lives on the line to protect our community.

This is Paso Robles Mayor Steve Martin saying to you: “thank you, we’re proud of you and grateful for you.” And to everyone: stay informed, stay involved and stay strong Paso Robles.