Mayor’s Blog

Mayor’s Blog | Veterans Day | Nov. 11, 2021

Mayor Steve Martin

In a city, state and nation consumed by causes it is becoming increasingly difficult to find unification for our citizens. Issue by issue we seem to become more divided. “E Pluribus Unum” unravels to become “Ex Una Plures.”

On this day each year, however, we find common ground: the recognition of the commitment and sacrifices of our nation’s defenders. It is estimated that, over the years, 1.1-million have given their lives in defense of our country. Many millions more made other, significant sacrifices to that cause. There can be no more unified American, human, response than a humble and hushed respect for these sacrifices and the people who made them. We must remember and uphold them.

So, on this Veterans Day and on every Veterans Day, let us lower all political banners and rhetoric save this: We honor, respect and support those who have given so much to preserve, protect and defend our nation.

To all of our veterans, to all of us, I say:

E Pluribus Unum. So say we all.

Until next we blog, stay informed, stay involved, stay strong Paso Robles.